COmmunity Partners

Learn more or Serve with our Community Partners

  • RFK Elementary

    A good group of us parents from Mestizo have kiddos at RFK and help run the PTA there. We host monthly events and seek to serve the 500 students that go to our neighborhood school. If you would like to help volunteer, contact Pastor Rick: 401.752.9891

  • Dorcas International

    Dorcas is Providence's key non profit organization that helps resettle and help serve our continually growing refugee community. From helping at their warehouse to cleaning apartments or moving furniture, we help come alongside this beautiful group of people as often as possible. If interested in helping out with Mestizo, contact Rick: 401752.9891

    Want to serve with Dorcas directly? Contact Emily Crandell at

  • RI Department of Corrections

    We seek to visit those that are imprisoned, and support their families, while offering community and healthy connections upon release. We also offer a weekly Bible study for those recently out of prison, led by RIDOC chaplain Cristina Ferri.

    If interested in ways to serve and pray, please contact Cristina: 508.406.8145

  • Friends of Fargnoli

    Our local parks are essential to community life and enjoying God's creation. One way we come alongside the neighborhood is by cleaning parks, offering free movie nights for families, and putting on fun events. If interested, contact Rick: 401.752.9891